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Your ultimate solution for employee identification and recruitment

Use short tests and artificial intelligence to gain valuable insights about your business dynamics and find the perfect candidates for your company

Increase in
employee satisfaction




satisfied customers

Your platform for efficient employee retention and recruitment

Sustainable insights about your company, precise matching and attractive branding: Start with karriereheld into the future of recruiting.



The anonymous employee survey

brings valuable insights about your company. With recommendations for action, you will be fit for the future.



Gain valuable insights about your business and employee satisfaction.

You have discovered an interesting talent? Get in touch with just the push of a button.


Consistently improve your external presentation through new insights

employer branding screenshot


Show talent what sets your company apart and why it's worth being a part of.

PerfectMatch: Find talent throughout Germany

With karriereheld, you'll find applicants who fit the job, your company, and your team dynamic.



With EmployeeFeedback you gain deep insights into the satisfaction of your employees and their perception of the corporate culture.

1. Invite your employees to take the survey.

2. Survey satisfaction and attitudes towards bsw. frameworks, values or feedback arrangements.

3. Get anonymous results clearly displayed on your dashboard.

4. Receive recommendations for action that show you potential for improvement so that satisfaction in your company increases.

Tolle Werte in der Umfrage? Zeigen Sie Ihre Ergebnisse nach außen, von uns verifiziert mit der CultureChampion Auszeichnung!

Hier können Sie sich anschauen, wie diese Auszeichnung aussehen könnte

The right candidate in just a few steps

PerfectMatch: Hiring has never been so precise and uncomplicated

The proposed talents simply fit - to the job, the company and the team!

By analyzing your company, we can suggest the talent that fits the vacancy, your company and even the respective team

Just give us some more information about the position and play out our <b>Team</b>Fit test to specific team members at will. In this way, we record the team characteristics and can suggest talents that are a perfect fit for you.


Stand out from your competitors and provide a compelling overview of what makes your company different. Show your mission, vision, values, culture and career and development opportunities in your company. Through the employer branding profile, you increase your visibility and attractiveness to potential talent. Contact us for a personalized consultation.

All advantages at a glance


Die Anonymität schützt deine Mitarbeitenden vor negativen Folgen ihrer Meinungsäußerung und erhöht die Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme und den Mut zur Ehrlichkeit.

Tiefe Einblicke in weiche unternehmensbezogene Aspekte

Die Mitarbeiterbefragung ermöglicht es, weiche unternehmensbezogene Aspekte wie Motivation, Erwartung, Zufriedenheit, Engagement oder Innovationskultur zu erfassen und zu analysieren.


Die Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeitenden ist eine wichtige Kennzahl für die Qualität von Produkten oder Dienstleistungen, die Bindung von Fachkräften und die Attraktivität als Arbeitgeber.

Abgeleitete Handlungsempfehlungen

Handlungsempfehlungen dienen dazu, die identifizierten Stärken und Schwächen deines Unternehmens zu verbessern oder zu beheben.

Integrierte Talentvorschläge

Der PerfectMatch erlaubt es, Talente zu finden, die nicht nur zur Stelle, sondern auch zur Kultur deines Unternehmens passen

Erhöhte Sichtbarkeit

Wenn Du dich für das karriereheld Siegel entscheidest, stärkst Du damit deine Arbeitgebermarke und dein Unternehmen hebt sich gegenüber anderen Unternehmen im Kampf um Talente ab.

Stärkt vertrauen

Das Vertrauen in dein Unternehmen wird durch eine Erfassung von Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit von außen gestärkt, da die Ergebnisse neutral ausgewertet werden und die Kriterien für das karriereheld Siegel transparent kommuniziert sind.


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Create your profile in minutes and start the future of staffing today

You still have questions?

Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our platform.
You can't find an answer to your question?
  Get in touch with us.

What happens if the candidate does not show up?
Is there a refund of the transmittal fee?

In case of non-appearance of the candidate, half of the placement fee will be credited to the next placement. The payment amount will not be refunded, as there may be reasons for the non-appearance which karriereheld cannot influence.

What happens if the candidate leaves the company at his own request within the probationary period or if we terminate him?

You still have questions?

We are happy to help and offer personalized advice.

Send us a message to


Or simply call us at

+49 163 5132320

Book an appointment in our calendar